
Showing posts from March, 2020

Learning in the Struggle

The weeks ahead are going to be unpredictable, potentially hard as we navigate the unknown, and require patience as we experience a variety of emotions in this journey.  I often share with people a story of a time when my dad told me one evening, after a late-night in the tobacco field loading the wagons.  He and my sister went to start milking and he told me to back the wagon in the barn.  I immediately responded that I didn't know how to back a four-wheel wagon.  If you have not ever done it, it is very different than a two-wheel wagon.  His response I can still hear crystal clear, "I will see you when you get the wagon in the barn." I am certain I gave my signature teenage eye roll and I do remember shedding a few tears of frustration, but I backed that wagon in the barn that night. I don't remember how many times it took and I don't remember how late it was, but I still remember the feeling of accomplishment that I had once it was done. From that day forwar...

The Power of a Pause

Those who know, really know me and all my deficiencies, know that I have a hard time with pausing.  I am fast and furious, with no time for nonsense. I come by it honestly, my mom is like the energizer bunny.  Growing up, she would sweep the floor at least fifty times a day, I am certain. She would clean the dairy barn each morning, scrub brushing every square inch, literally it would shine when she finished.   The milk inspector (who was "The Grinch") would often tell her that we had the cleanest dairy farm in the country. Fast forward to my high school years, my basketball coach would frequently give me the, "slow down" look and say, "go to fifth gear."  It is who I am. In my career, I have been told by more than one supervisor in my early years, there is plenty of time, slow down...take your time.  While I don't believe that nonsense, because we are not guaranteed tomorrow ...there is merit in taking your pedal off the gas a tad at times....