Learning in the Struggle
The weeks ahead are going to be unpredictable, potentially hard as we navigate the unknown, and require patience as we experience a variety of emotions in this journey. I often share with people a story of a time when my dad told me one evening, after a late-night in the tobacco field loading the wagons. He and my sister went to start milking and he told me to back the wagon in the barn. I immediately responded that I didn't know how to back a four-wheel wagon. If you have not ever done it, it is very different than a two-wheel wagon. His response I can still hear crystal clear, "I will see you when you get the wagon in the barn." I am certain I gave my signature teenage eye roll and I do remember shedding a few tears of frustration, but I backed that wagon in the barn that night. I don't remember how many times it took and I don't remember how late it was, but I still remember the feeling of accomplishment that I had once it was done. From that day forwar...